Sunday, October 14, 2012

I stopped at this street sign...just to get my bearings. Rod Serling was reading his map too.
I borrowed his map.

I then borrowed his car

A few thorns here and there.

Should have borrowed the mule

Monday, September 10, 2012

Headed toward Megargel

This morning, Sunday the ninth of September dawned to a 56 degree world of honks and barks.
The honks was a flock of geese that was flying over at tree top and the barking was the neighborhood dogs that got woke up. It was a good morning to hit the road.

I'll post more as time permits.
Also check Shades of Grey

Saturday, June 9, 2012

We slept in today, thinking I was going to get up and mow the yard,  well that didn't happen. A friend of mine told me where he thought there were some of those old wooden oil derricks. Wild horses couldn't stop me from hitting the road. I didn't find those oil derricks (Jimmy?!). We did however, run across several hundred acres of these beauties.

I am still looking for those wooden oil derricks (! anyone out there?!)

Caprock State Park May 22 2012

I really enjoyed spending the night in this park. There is something for everyone in the family.

The great thing is you are just outside of cell service.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I feel there is a hidden message in this sign arrangement

Here we are at Palo Duro canyon with Wyman Meinzer at one of his workshops. Weather was not cooperating. We did a little night painting and enjoyed meeting like minded people.  We always learn something new at Wyman's workshops.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Looking out my back door

This Seagull knows we are headed out.

We are West bound towards Palo Pinto Country

Prickly Pear along the way..
We are somewhere out there. Nice hillside!

Lookin out my back door!

My Back Door

Someones back door

Sinclair Station?
Regular or Ethyl

Texaco  service station  maybe

Kestrel escort through the Texas countryside.

Back door at Jack's place.

Jack was happy and quite vocal to see us drive up.
Maybe a Phillips 66
Notice in the front awning there are to white spots above a single white spot.
They are part of the old wiring technique or standard called 'knob and tube'.
In the 1970s, We rewired houses and businesses that had this type of wiring as a side job to pay for photo equipment .